Ticket Info 2024

Ticket prices have unfortunately increased since last year due to venue costs rising substantially but we hope they’re still affordable.

This year there are more options for paying monthly—find more information about that below.

If you’d really like to come but the ticket price simply isn’t affordable for you, let Sarah know and we’ll see what we can work out. <3

Ticket Info

Here’s a summary of the ticket types on offer this year!

Residential – Single Dorm Bed

This is effectively the ‘standard’ ticket. This ticket covers Wednesday—Sunday (4 nights). You get a single bed that’s likely in a shared 4-6 bed dormitory-style room, three meals a day, and access to whatever’s going on.
Your bed comes with a pillow, duvet, and linens, but you’ll need to bring your own towel.

Residential – Double/Triple Room

This ticket covers Wednesday—Sunday (4 nights). You get three meals a day, access to whatever’s going on, and somewhere to sleep!
Your beds come with pillows, duvets, and linens, but you’ll need to bring your own towels.

This room type has 3 sleeping spots—a double bed with a single ‘high bunk’ over it. There are 6 of these rooms available.
You are not obliged to have 3 people in this room, but the minimum ticket quantity is set at 2 per order to help with efficient occupancy (with the expectations that couples will take the double beds). If you book this room for a couple, the single bed will remain empty.
If you are very keen to have one of these rooms to yourself, please contact Sarah.

Please note: This ticket is ticket is priced per person in the room, not for the whole room; this is so that we know who individual attendees are, rather than just the person booking the room.

Accessibility: Be aware that all of these rooms are upstairs and there is no lift.

If any of this is unclear or an issue, please contact Sarah Cole and I’ll help sort you out.

Residential – Accessible Room Lead Occupant / Occupant

This ticket covers Wednesday—Sunday (4 nights). You get three meals a day, access to whatever’s going on, and your bedroom will be accessible.
Your bed comes with a pillow, duvet, and linens, but you’ll need to bring your own towel. Attendees usually have to make their own beds at this venue, but we’ll sort yours out for you.

Please Note: This ticketing for these rooms is a little esoteric in an attempt to avoid the three accessible rooms becoming double-booked but hopefully understandable.
There are only three ‘Residential – Accessible Room Lead Occupant’ tickets available. Each of these tickets essentially represents a specific room and a single occupant in said room. You can only add one of these tickets to your order. The ‘lead occupant’ does not have to meet any particular criteria to book this ticket—it’s essentially just the person who’s claiming the room.
There are, however, three spots in each room—a double bed and a single ‘high bunk’ above it. So, if you are the ‘lead occupant’ and planning on sharing this room with another person or two, please add the appropriate number of ‘Residential – Accessible Room Occupant’ tickets to your order. Alternatively, you can tell the other occupants to order their tickets using this category; just make sure they name the ‘lead occupant’ when filling out the attendee questionnaire so that we know what room they should be in!

e.g. You wish to book an accessible room for you and your partner. You should add one ‘Residential – Accessible Room Lead Occupant’ and one ‘Residential – Accessible Room Occupant’ ticket to your basket.

Sorry there isn’t a simpler way to ticket these rooms. If any of this is unclear or an issue, please contact Sarah Cole and I’ll help sort you out.

Visitor – Every Day

Not staying overnight at the hostel but want to attend? This ticket lets you attend any time from ~5pm Wednesday afternoon to ‘bedtime’ on Saturday night—but you’ll have to go sleep somewhere else!
Included: any meals you want and any activities that are going on.
Not included: somewhere to sleep!

Visitor – All Day

Not staying overnight at the hostel but want to attend? This ticket lets you join the event on a particular day. This is available for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (as the other days aren’t full days). You can arrive as early as you like and stay until ‘bedtime’ in the evening.
Included: any meals you want and any activities that are going on for this day.
Not included: somewhere to sleep!

If you want to attend on as a visitor on more than one day feel free to buy tickets for whichever days you want, or buy a ‘Visitor – Every Day’ ticket!

Visitor – Evening Only

Not staying overnight at the hostel but want to attend? This ticket lets you join the event from 5pm on a particular day only.
Included: Dinner and any activities that are going on for this day.
Not included: somewhere to sleep!

If you want to attend on as a visitor on more than one day feel free to buy tickets for whichever days you want, or buy a ‘Visitor – Every Day’ ticket!

2023 Community-Made Zine

Grab a fancy printed copy of the zine folks made at ToR 2023! The price varies depending on whether or not you can collect the zine at ToR 2024 or whether you need it posting to you.

Add on: Become a ghost

This is an add-on item only—you need a ticket to go with it.

Select this ticket and you will be provided with a fresh white sheet (without eye holes) on arrival at the venue. This is yours to keep and you should wear it over your head like a ghost if/when you don’t want to interact with other people. All attendees will be instructed to not perceive ghosts and to leave them alone.
Ideally, this would be free but it turns out bedsheets aren’t cheap. You may enjoy being a ghost, with all associated benefits, for free if you bring your own sheet—you don’t need a special add-on for that.

Please Note: You don’t actually need to wear a bedsheet to be left alone—a lot of ToR attendees take breaks from everything during the event and they’re all pretty good at respecting others’ desire to have a bit of time to themselves.

Supporter Donation

Maybe you can’t attend, maybe you can—in any case, this option is for those who would like to improve the chances of this event breaking even, save Sarah from financial regret, and/or help reduce the cost for others.

This isn’t a ticket. Send money and receive gratitude in return. Maybe you’ll get a trinket from me at some point as thanks, maybe you’ll be spared such nonsense. Only one way to find out.

Partial Payments

Have you used a discount code to spread the cost of a full ticket? Use this option to pay some or part of any remaining balance. You can also pay Sarah directly via BACs or similar if it’s easier.
There’s no fancy tool to automatically track this, so contact Sarah if you have any questions!

Paying in Monthly Instalments

Residential attendees are very welcome to pay for their tickets in instalments to spread the cost.

To pay monthly, use the table below to work out which code to use (based on the current date) and how much to pay every month.

Unfortunately there’s no cunning system for tracking this beyond Sarah’s spreadsheets, so if you lose track of where you’re up to then you’ll have to check in to find out. You may want to put the instalments as events in your personal calendar when you buy the ticket to help you remember and avoid overpayment!

If you have any questions about this, give Sarah a shout!

Use this codeUse this code inPay this much in JunePay this much in JulyPay this much in AugustPay this much in SeptemberTotal Cost


Everyone gets tea and coffee.

None of these tickets will cover your petrol, train tickets to/from the event, or taxi to/from the event. 

You’ll also have to bring your own alcohol and snacks. 

I’m trying to keep things affordable and I’m not intending to make a profit on the event.